How To Tell If Koi Eggs Are Fertilized featured

How To Tell If Koi Eggs Are Fertilized (Scientific Pictures)


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The fertilization of koi fish eggs is a delicate process that requires patience and precision. In order to ensure the eggs hatch, the water must be at just the right temperature and the pH levels must be perfect. The eggs must also be properly aerated in order to prevent them from suffocating.

If you are planning on breeding koi fish, it is important that you know what do koi eggs look like, understand the process of fertilization, and how to properly care for the eggs.


What Do Koi Eggs Look Like?

Koi fish eggs are tiny and translucent, resembling delicate pearls with their color varying from white to yellow or amber which depends on how old they are. When it’s the season for koi fish breeding, these small eggs are usually no larger than a grain of rice and can be found in clusters, nestled in a protective environment like a spawning mat, spawning mop, or vegetation. The beauty of koi fish lies not only in their vibrant colors and graceful movements but also in the incredible process of their reproduction.

Picture of what Koi Eggs Looks Like
Picture of what Koi Eggs Looks Like

How Do Koi Eggs Get Fertilized?

Koi eggs get fertilized after the female koi fish reproduce by releasing eggs and a male koi fish releases their milt (sperm) into the water. The female koi will release her eggs, and the male koi will release his sperm. The eggs and sperm will then mix together and fertilize.

In order to ensure that the eggs are properly fertilized, it is important to have a ratio of two males to every one female. This ensures that there is enough sperm to fertilize all of the eggs.


The process of fertilization can be done naturally, manually, or with the help of a machine. If you are planning on breeding koi fish, it is important to research all three methods in order to decide which is best for you.

If you want to collect your own koi eggs and fertilize them manually, it is best to do so as soon as they are laid. This ensures that they are still fresh and have a higher chance of survival. You will need to remove the eggs from the pond and place them in an incubation tank. This tank should have a constant water temperature of around 21-24 degrees Celsius. You will also need to add a gentle flow of oxygenated water to the tank.

Once the eggs are in the incubation tank, you will need to add koi sperm to fertilize them. This can be done by using a syringe or small tube to drip the sperm onto the eggs. It is important to be careful not to damage the eggs while doing this. After adding the sperm, you should gently swirl the water around in the tank to help distribute it evenly.


After 24-48 hours, you should start to see signs that the eggs are hatching. At this point, you can remove the eggs from the incubation tank and place them in a rearing tank. The rearing tank should have similar conditions to the pond that they came from originally. It is important to make sure that the water in the rearing tank is well-oxygenated and of a suitable temperature.

Once the fry are old enough, they can be slowly introduced back into the main pond. It is best to do this over a period of several days to give them time to adjust to their new surroundings.


What Do Fertilized Koi Eggs Look Like?

What Do Fertilized Koi Eggs Look Like
What Fertilized Koi Eggs Look Like Under Microscope

Fertilized koi eggs are small and round. They are usually a milky white color, but they can also be brown or yellow.

It is important to note that not all of the eggs will be fertilized. Approximately 60-70% of the eggs will be fertilized and will go on to hatch. The rest of the eggs will not be fertilized and will not hatch.


How To Tell If Koi Eggs Are Fertilized

How To Tell If Koi Eggs Are Fertilized
fertilized koi eggs

It can be difficult to tell if koi eggs have been fertilized, but there are a few signs that can help you determine if they have.

  1. The color of the eggs will be slightly opaque and have a small black dot in the center. Fertilized eggs will be milky white, while unfertilized eggs will be brown or yellow.
  2. Fertilized eggs will be slightly larger than unfertilized eggs.
  3. The eggs will be slightly heavier than unfertilized eggs.
  4. There will be a small amount of milt (fish sperm) present around the outside of the egg.
  5. The female koi will often exhibit nesting behavior when the eggs have been fertilized.
  6. The male koi will often guard the nest area after the eggs have been fertilized.
  7. The eggs will hatch within 2-7 days after being fertilized.
  8. The fry (baby koi) will have a yolk sac attached to its belly when they first emerge from the egg.
  9. The fry will be very small, only a few millimeters in length, and will lack any coloration.
  10. The fry will begin to develop their coloration after a few weeks and will be ready to be introduced into the main pond once they reach 1-2 inches in length.

If you are still unsure whether or not the eggs are fertilized, you can always wait and see if they hatch. Fertilized eggs will usually hatch within 2-7 days on rare occasions it might take up to 14 days.

How Many Koi Eggs Survive?

The answer to this question is difficult to determine due to a number of variables, but typically, only about 55% of koi eggs will survive to hatch and become fry and even lesser of that percentage will actually survive as fry into adult koi.

A number of factors can influence the survival rate of koi eggs, including water quality, temperature, the delicate nature of the eggs, and the presence of predators or parasites. In order to maximize the chances of survival, it is important to carefully monitor all of these conditions and take steps to correct any problems that may arise.


Koi eggs have a pretty good chance of survival if they are incubated and cared for properly. However, there are many things that can go wrong during the hatching process, so not all koi eggs will make it to adulthood. With proper care, it is possible to hatch a high percentage of koi eggs. On average, about 10%-35% of koi eggs will survive to adulthood.

How Long Does It Take For Koi Eggs To Fertilize?

It usually takes anywhere from 24 to 48 hours for koi eggs to be fertilized and sometimes up to 3 days. However, this timeframe can be affected by a number of factors, such as the temperature of the water, the size of the eggs, and the number of eggs that are being fertilized. In general, it is best to err on the side of caution and give the eggs a little extra time to fertilize just to be safe.

What Colour Are Fertile Koi Fish Eggs?

Fertile koi fish eggs are typically a light orange or milky yellow color, but they can also be brown. However, the color can vary depending on the specific type of koi fish. For example, some koi varieties may have slightly white or pink-tinged eggs or green in color. It is also not uncommon for the eggs to have small black spots. These spots are called melanophores and help protect the developing embryos from predators and ultraviolet light.

What Colour Are Fertile Koi Fish Eggs
Fertile Koi Fish Eggs Color

In Conclusion

To determine if koi eggs are fertilized, you can look for several signs. The color of the eggs will be slightly opaque and have a small black dot in the center. Fertilized eggs will be milky white, while unfertilized eggs will be brown or yellow.

Fertilized eggs will also be slightly larger than unfertilized eggs. You may also notice a small amount of milt (fish sperm) present around the outside of the egg. The female koi will often exhibit nesting behavior when the eggs have been fertilized.

If you are still unsure whether or not the eggs are fertilized, you can always wait and see if they hatch. Fertilized eggs usually hatch within 2-7 days, while unfertilized eggs will not hatch. The survival rate of koi eggs is typically only about 55%, so even if the eggs are fertilized, there is no guarantee that they will all survive to adulthood.

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